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Publicación (PSG) Cyberbullying on Instagram: How adolescents perceive risk in personal selfies? Leer más
Publicación (PSG) How Do Women and Men Perceive the Sacrifice of Leaving Work for Their Families? A Cost–Benefit Analysis Leer más
Publicación (PSG) Self-Efficacy and Well-Being in Professionals Working in Intimate Partner Violence: Recovery Experiences and Burnout as Mediating Variables Leer más
Publicación (CPCS) Publicación (PSG) Infidelity in the Adolescence Stage: The Roles of Negative Affect, Hostility, and Psychological Well-Being Leer más
Publicación (PSG) Social perceptions of women in pornography: Attitudes and gender stereotypes Leer más
Publicación (PSG) Are gender roles associated with well-being indicators? The role of femininity, fear of negative evaluation, and regret in decision-making in a spanish sample Leer más
Publicación (PSG) #Instacomparison: Social Comparison and Envy as Correlates of Exposure to Instagram and Cyberbullying Perpetration Leer más
Publicación (PSG) Adolescent sexting: the role of body shame, social physique anxiety, and social networking site addiction Leer más
Publicación (CPCS) Publicación (PSG) Sexting among Spanish during Confinement: Prevalence, Motivations and Predictor Variables Leer más