Investigation Group
Psychology of Social Problems (HUM289)

This research group, integrated into the Andalusian Research Plan, began its journey in 1995. Until recently, its name was “Discrimination and Stigma: Social Psychological aspects”. From the beginning, our research interest was to apply psychological knowledge to a highly relevant social problem, such as prejudice and discrimination.

Over time the group has been expanding, as well as its research interests. The group is made up of people who are in the different phases of their research career: predoctoral, postdoctoral and teaching staff, the majority belonging to the University of Granada, although people from other universities, both in Spain and abroad, also collaborate.

Likewise, we frequently receive the visit of students from other countries who carry out short research stays in the group. The group maintains close contacts with international research groups. Within each of the lines these collaborations can be seen.

Miguel C. Moya Morales

Miguel C. Moya Morales

Director of the research group

At present the group is interested in five research lines:

Although each line has its specificity, there are many joint activities that we carry out as a group, for example, an annual congress in which the different investigations that are being carried out are presented, or numerous training activities. Likewise, members of the different lines frequently collaborate with each other in specific investigations.

Our research has been supported by numerous projects obtained in international, national and regional calls. A more detailed description can be found within each line of research.

If you are interested in what we do, you can contact the person responsible for the line of investigation.

The group’s researchers are part of the Master’s Degree in Psychology of Social Intervention at the University of Granada (

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Check our latest publications

Galván Hernández, D., del Fresno-Díaz, A., Sáez-Lumbreras, A., Estevan-Reina, L., de Lemus, S., (2024). “We are all feminist”, but do we think the same? A focus group analysis of cisgender heterosexual and LBQ+ women on the collaboration between feminist and LGBTIQA+ movement in Spain. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology.

Sweigart, M., Galván-Hernández, D., Hässler, T., Hegarty, P., Kite M.E., Ofosu, E.K., Ünsal, B., Eisner, L., (2024). Understanding variations in LGBTIQ+ acceptance across space and time: The importance of norm perceptions and political dynamics. Journal of Social Issues, 1-20.

Vizcaíno-Cuenca, R., Romero-Sánchez, M., & Carretero-Dios, H. (2024). Making Visible the Myths About Cyber-Sexual Violence Against Women: An Analysis of Social Reactions toward Victims on Twitter. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.

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