Lucía Estevan Reina


I’m currently a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Jagiellonian University (Krakow, Poland) where I’m part of the research project “Inclusivity norms to counter polarization in european societies” (INCLUSIVITY). Previously I was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Almería in a research project that analyzed employment discrimination against women and ethnic minorities (e.g., Moroccans). I did my doctoral thesis on the role of men as allies against sexism. My main research interests revolve around the analysis of intergroup relations and social change (confrontation, collective action, alliances), paying special attention to the motivational mechanisms that lead members of advantaged groups to get involved in the fight against inequality ( distinguishing between those driven by a real commitment to social justice -equality- and those that contribute to perpetuating the status quo -paternalism) and the impact that such involvement has for disadvantaged groups and for the relationship between both groups (alliance processes). . In addition, I am also interested in intra-minority solidarity processes (e.g., alliances between feminist women and LGTBIQ+ people, or migrant and/or racialized people) as well as in an analysis of intergroup relations that takes into account an intersectional perspective. I have carried out research stays at the University of Osnabrück (Germany).

Main interests

  • Intergroup alliances from the perspective of members of advantaged groups (e.g. men): analysis of motivational processes that lead to involvement in social change.
  • Intergroup alliances from the perspective of members of disadvantaged groups (e.g. women): emotions, empowerment, social change and perception of allies.
  • Processes of struggle against inequality: collective confrontation and action.
  • Analysis of the limits of paternalism in the context of intergroup relationships that seek to promote social change.
  • Intersectionalities and intraminorary solidarity


Training and professional career

2022 - nowadays

Postdoctoral Researcher

Jagiellonian University (Krakow)

2021 - 2022

Postdoctoral Researcher

University of Almería


Postdoctoral Researcher

University of Granada


PhD in Psychology

University of Granada


Master in Psychology of Social Intervention

University ofGranada


Degree of Psychology

University of Granada



Estevan-Reina, L., de Lemus, S., Megías, J. L., Radke, H. R. M., Becker, J. C., & McGarty, C. (2024). How do disadvantaged groups perceive allies? Women’s perceptions of men who confront sexism in an egalitarian or paternalistic way. European Journal of Social Psychology, 119.


del Fresno-Díaz, A., Estevan-Reina, L., Sánchez-Rodríguez, A., Willis, G. B., & de Lemus, S. (2023). Fighting inequalities in times of pandemic: The role of politicized identities and interdependent self-construal in coping with economic threat. Journal of Community and Applied Psychology, 33(2), 436-453.


Cuadrado, I., Estevan-Reina, L., López-Rodríguez, L., & Constantin, A. A. (2022). To be or not to be egalitarian, that is the question: Understanding the complexity of ethnic prejudice in the workplace. Current Psychology, 1-19.


de Lemus, S., & Estevan-Reina, L. (2021). Influence of sexist language on motivation and feelings of ostracism. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY, 36(1), 61–97.

Estevan-Reina, L., de Lemus, S., Megias, J. L., Kutlaca, M., Belmonte-Garcia, M., & Becker, J. (2021). Allies Against Sexism: The Impact of Men’s Egalitarian Versus Paternalistic Confrontation on Women’s Empowerment and Well-Being. SEX ROLES, 84(9–10), 536–553.


Estevan-Reina, L., de Lemus, S., & Megias, J. L. (2020). Feminist or Paternalistic: Understanding Men’s Motivations to Confront Sexism. FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY, 10.


Navarro-Mantas, L; Estevan-Reina, L; de Lemus, S. 2018. Importancia del lenguaje inclusivo en la intervención para la reducción del sexismo. De la igualdad de género a la igualdad sexual y de género. (Coordinadores/as: Venegas, M., Chacón-Gordillo, P., y Fernández-Castilo, A.). Dykinson. pp.115-129.

