Publicación (PSD) A multilab replication of the induced-compliance paradigm of cognitive dissonance. Leer más
Publicación (PSD) Rising and falling on the social ladder: The bidimensional social mobility beliefs scale. Leer más
Publicación (PSD) Wage (in)equality matters: the effect of organizational economic inequality on others’ and self-ascriptions. Leer más
Publicación (PSD) Economic inequality shapes the agency–communion content of gender stereotypes. Leer más
Publicación (SMVG) Ambivalent sexism and women’s reactions to stranger harassment: The case of piropos in Spain Leer más
Publicación (CPCS) Publicación (PSD) Perceived economic inequality enlarges the perceived humanity gap between low- and high-socioeconomic status groups Leer más
Publicación (CPCS) Publicación (PSD) Stranger harassment («piropo») and women’s self-objectification: the role of anger, happiness and empowerment Leer más
Publicación (CPCS) Publicación (PSD) Lacking socioeconomic status reduces subjective well-being through perceptions of meta-dehumanization Leer más
Publicación (CPCS) Dangerous worldview and perceived sociopolitical control: two mechanisms to understand trust in authoritarian political leaders in economically threatening contexts Leer más
Publicación (CPCS) The consequences of the perceived impact of the Spanish economic crisis on subjective well-being: The explanatory role of personal uncertainty Leer más