Granada Hoy Highlights Research Study on Alliances between Migrants and Spaniards by the Social Change Lab

The local newspaper Granada Hoy recently highlighted a study conducted by our team at the Psychology of Social Change Lab. This study focuses on understanding the alliance processes between migrants and Spaniards, analyzing how migrants’ perceptions of the motivations of their Spanish allies influence their predisposition to engage in collective actions in favor of migrants’ rights.

We thank Granada Hoy for recognizing the importance of this research and for its commitment to disseminating knowledge that contributes to mutual understanding and respect in our community. We invite our readers to access the full article in Granada Hoy for more details about this study and its impact on promoting a more inclusive and multicultural society.

We invite you to read the research already published in the journal Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology, entitled Why, how and with whom? The impact of perceived ally motives on migrants’ support for collective actions.

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