Cristina Carmona López


I am a PhD student at the University of Almeria. I am currently work as a pre-doctoral researcher in the project Beyond Conflict: Effectiveness of Cooperation for Social Change (PID2022-141182NB-I00).

My research focuses on the study of alliance processes from the perspectives of ethnic minorities (migrants and Roma) and the advantaged social group in Spain (autochthonous and non-Roma). Thus, I also try to analyse related factors such as multiculturalism, prejudice, inequality and social identity, as well as the perception of discrimination towards these minorities. My thesis focuses on the study of anti-Gypsyism and participation in collective actions to stop the inequality suffered by Roma in Spain.

I have done a pre-doctoral stay at the Institute for Research in Social Communication in the Slovak Academy of Sciences (Slovakia).

Main interests

  • Alliance processes between groups with ethnic diversity.

  • Study of social class and ethnicity as predictors of antigypsyism.

  • Multiculturalist identity, intergroup contact and participation in different collective actions, from the perspective of disadvantaged groups (migrants and Roma) and advantaged groups (natives and non-Roma).


Training and professional career

2021 - nowadays

PhD Student

University of Almería

2019 - 2020

Master in Migrations, Mediation and Vulnerable Groups

University of Almería

2015 - 2019

Graduated in Primary Education

University of Almería



Kende, A., Nyúl, B., Hadarics, M., Carmona-López, C., Ciordaş, P., De Cristofaro, V., Gkinopoulos, T., Keleşoğlu, İ., Pántya, J., Poslon, X. D., Voca, S., & Lášticová, B. (2024). Addressing anti-Gypsyism with context-dependent psychological tools: Research review, meta-analysis and secondary analysis of prejudice against the Roma. European Review of Social Psychology, 1–47.


Urbiola, A., Carmona-López, C., & de Lemus, S. (2023). Why, how and with whom? The impact of perceived ally motives on migrants’ support for collective actions. Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology5.


Urbiola, A., Navas, M., Carmona, C., & Willis, G. B. (2022). Social Class also Matters: The Effects of Social Class, Ethnicity, and their Interaction on Prejudice and Discrimination Toward Roma. Race and Social Problems.

