V International Congress of the Spanish Scientific Society of Social Psychology and XVI National Congress of Social Psychology.

V International Congress of the Spanish Scientific Society of Social Psychology and XVI National Congress of Social Psychology.

Our colleagues have attended and enjoyed the V Congress of the SCEPS, in which they have presented their latest advances in research. Below we detail the presentations of each of the members of the Laboratory of Psychology for Social Change:

  • Cristina Carmona, How to be a good ally for social change? The perspective of gypsy activists.
  • Ángel de Fresno- Díaz, Representations of social class in a context of high economic inequality: a qualitative study.
  • Lucía Esteban Reina, The role of men as allies in sexism.
  • Danna Galván Hernández, Preference in forms of collaboration from the LGTBIQ+ and feminist movement.
  • Ana Urbiola, Multiculturalist identity and participation in pro-migrant collective actions from the majority and minority perspective: How do underlying motivations influence?
  • Rocío Segura, Effectiveness of an intervention based on coeducational stories for the reduction of gender stereotypes and roles at school.
  • Laura Navarro, Defining power and agency in gender relations in El Salvador: Consequences for intimate partner violence and women’s mental health.

A great experience and many moments to remember, looking forward to the next edition!

We add some photos of our experience.


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